Sunday, 29 January 2012

Brazil and Spider Silk

Late at the V&A in January was a lively Brazilian carnival atmosphere with live drummers and dancing.

I loved the suspended umbrellas in the main entrance hall, not far from the incredible Chihuly masterpiece. I'm never disappointed each time I go to the V&A - this has to be London's best gem of a museum.

The amazing garment woven from spider silk

Sunday, 15 January 2012

Butterfly Bowl and Spoon

The Butterfly Bowl is 58mm in diamter, the spoon 68 mm in length

I have completed my smallest ever spoon, which fits the exquisite Butterfly Bowl perfectly. It will soon be on its way to Belfast.

Friday, 6 January 2012


Sunshine in January is a wonderful way to start to 2012

Olive Groves in Tuscany

The January winter light catching the silveryness of the olive leaves.

Bologna Lights

Happy New Year!!

Loved the festive lighting in Bologna

Dramatic uplighting on the murals in the museum