I had a morning (booked four months ago as yesterday was the first Wednesday I had free!) to study this late Ming Dynasty crown at the British Museum. Such a luxury to spend a morning in a quiet library, drawing an antique. It had to be set on crumpled tissue paper to raise the level so that the down-turned beaks of the birds in the front were not touching the table.
I am fascinated by the incredible detail of the whole crown - phoenixes, flaming pearls, flower heads, dragons - but it was the leaves that caught my attention, plus a few tiny clouds which I discovered hidden amongst all the gilt silver openwork:)
Flowing movement in the leaves |
I first saw Chinese crowns in Dali, Yunnan, in 2008 but at last I have seen an original close-up. It is an amazing decorative object. I've made lots of drawings and will probably need to book a return visit the next time I have a Wednesday free - hopefully less than four months away!